Table of Contents

APUSH Period 4

Sunday, 1 May 2022
2-minute read
399 words

Increased Democracy and Government Relationships

  • Emergence of Political Parties

    • Federalists vs. Democratic-Republican (1790s)

      • Hamilton vs. Jefferson
    • Democrats vs. Whigs (1830s - 1850s)

      • Jackson vs. Clay
  • Supreme Court increased the power of the federal government over states

    • McCulloch v. Maryland
    • Worcester v. Georgia
  • Growth of market economy

    • Embargo Act of 1807
    • Nullification Crisis of 1832
  • South justified slavery as a "positive good"

New Institutions

  • 2nd Great Awakening

    • Stressed importance of achieving perfection
    • Reform movenets

      • Abolitionism
      • Women's Rights
      • Temperance
  • Restriction of African Americans' citizenship and rights

    • Various emancipation plans

      • American Colonization Society
  • Resistance to democracy

    • Proslavery arguments
    • Xenophobia/nativism

      • Know-Nothing Party
      • Irish
    • Antiblack sentiments
    • Anti-Indian policies

      • Indian Removal Act, Trail of Tears

Emergence of New Cultures

  • New art, architecture, and literature emerged in America
  • Religious groups and women

    • Shakers
    • Mormons
    • Seneca Falls Convention 1848

      • Declaration of Sentiments
  • Free and enslaved blacks respond to their conditions

    • New family structures (surrogate families)
    • Nat Turner's Rebellion 1831

Changes in Agriculture and Manufacturing

  • New technological innovations increased efficiency and extended markets

    • Textile machines
    • Steam engines
    • Interchangeable parts
    • Cotton gin
    • Canals
    • Railroads
    • Telegraph
    • Agricultural inventions

      • Mechanical reaper
  • Production of goods began to replace substinence farming

    • Lowell System

Regional Specialization

  • Impacts of cotton

    • Used in textile production
    • Depleted the soil
  • Unified national economy

    • American System

      • Bank of the US
      • Tariffs
      • Internal Improvements
    • North and Midwest were more linked than the South
  • Free and forced migration of people across the nation

    • Cotton depleted land
  • New labor systems

    • Unions

      • Commonwealth v. Hunt

        • Legalized labor unions

Impacts of Market Revolution

  • Canals and roads helped encourage Westward Expansion
  • European immigrants settled in the

    • East - Irish
    • Midwest - Germans
  • Increased interdependence between Northeast and Old Northwest

    • American System
  • South remained distinctly different from the other regions
  • Market Revolution changed life

    • Increased wealth gap
    • Emergence of working classes
    • Separation of home and workplace

      • More goods produced outside home
    • Changed gender and family roles


  • Post LA Purchase

    • Monroe Doctrine 1823
    • Oregon border
    • Annexation of Texas 1845
    • Missouri Compromise 1820

      • Above 36 deg 30' free
      • Below 36 deg 30' slave
      • MO free
      • ME slave
      • Preserved balance
      • Complexity: eventually overturned by KS-NB Act

Effects of Expansion

  • Debates about new territories

    • Slave or Free
  • Resistance to increasing power of Fed Gov

    • Hartford Convention
    • Nullification Crisis

Review Topics

  • Federalists and Democratic Republicans
  • Whigs and Democrats
  • Second Great Awakening
  • Ways slaves resisted their situations
  • New technological situations
  • American System
  • Market Revolution and its impact
  • "Old" immigration
  • Missouri Compromise