Table of Contents

APUSH Period 5

Monday, 2 May 2022
2-minute read
333 words

Manifest Destiny

  • Based on racial and cultural superiority
  • Main focus of political debates

Acquiring territory

  • Mexican-American War
  • Wilmot Proviso

    • Debates over slavery

Impacts of Expansion

  • Environmental changes
  • Settlement of Indian lands
  • Old Immigrants, pre-Civil War

    • Germans
    • Irish
    • Faced nativism

      • Know-nothing party

Westward Expansion

  • Opportunities out West

    • Increased due to legislation promoting economic development

      • Homestead Act of 1862


  • Conflicts with Hispanics and Natives

    • Sand Creek Massacre
    • Little Big Horn

North vs South

  • North

    • Dependent on labor manufacturing
  • South

    • Dependent on agriculture and slavery
    • Slow population growth
  • As a result, the North has more power in the House

    • Why Wilmot Proviso passes in the House but not the Senate


  • Abolitionists

    • The Liberator by WLG
    • Helped slaves escape (Underground Railroad)
    • Violence (John Brown)
  • Defense for slavery

    • "Positive good" (John C. Calhoun)
    • Nullification
    • Minstrel shows


  • Compromise of 1850

    • Popular sovereignty in land from Mexican Cession
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    • Bleeding Kansas
  • Dred Scott decision
  • Election of 1860

    • Lincoln elected on Free Soil platform
    • Immediate cause of secession

      • Civil War

Civil War

  • North and South mobilized their economies and societies for the war effort

    • Conscription
  • Emancipation Proclamation
  • Union victory

    • Military leadership
    • Anaconda Plan
    • Greater resources
    • Destruction to the Southern infrastructure and environment

      • "March to the Sea"


  • 13th Amendment

    • Sharecropping
  • Radical Republicans

    • Former slaves and African Americans gained political opportunities

      • Hiram Revels
    • North's resolve for Reconstruction was waning

      • Compromise of 1877

Constitutional Amendments

  • 14th Amendment

    • Equal protection of the laws
  • 15th Amendment

    • Suffrage for men
  • African American rights were still limited

    • Segregation

      • Jim Crow
    • Violence

      • KKK
      • White League
    • Supreme Court Decisions

      • Plessy v Ferguson
      • Civil Rights Cases
    • Local Political Tactics

      • Poll taxes
      • Literacy tests
      • Grandfather clauses

Impacts of these amendments on Women's Rights

  • Split the group

    • Some only advocated the 15th Amendment if it included women
    • Others said that African Americans have suffered enough

Review Questions

  • Manifest Destiny and its impacts
  • Mexican-American War and debates over slavery
  • Immigrants and nativism
  • Abolitionist tactics
  • Compromise of 1850, etc.
  • Election of 1860
  • Emancipation Proclamation
  • 13-15th Amendments
  • End of Reconstruction, waning