Table of Contents

Unit 2

Saturday, 8 May 2021
2-minute read
219 words

Similarities Between Trade Routes

  • Depended on establishments of large states (e.g. Mongols and Silk Road)
  • New technologies

    • Magnetic compass
    • Lateen sail
    • Stern-post rudder
  • Missionaries
  • Introduction of new crops to new places
  • Growth of trading cities
  • Spread of culture and cross-cultural exchanges

Differences Between Trade Routes

  • Different technologies and methods of transportation
  • Different religions were spread among different trade routes

Similarities and Differences Chart

Silk RoadsSilk, Porcelain, Gunpowder, Horses, TextilesSaddles, CaravanseraiBuddhism, Neoconfucianism, Islam
Indian OceanGold, Ivory, Fruit, Textiles, Pepper, RiceAstrolabe, Compass, Sternpost Rudder, Lateen SailChristianity, Buddhism, Neoconfucianism, Islam
Trans-SaharanHorses, Salt, Gold, SlavesSaddlesIslam

Cultural Consequences

  • Zen Buddhism originated from China but spread to Korea and Vietnam
  • African Bantu converted to Islam

    • Birth of Swahili language
  • Ibn Battuta and Marco Polo

Environmental Consequences

  • Disease traveled

    • Black plague spread from China to Europe
    • Surviving workers negotiated for better working conditions and wages


  • Began as scattered tribes
  • United by Genghis Khan
  • Able to establish Pax Mongolica
  • Trade flourished around Afro-Eurasia
  • Quickened spread of Black Death
  • Most states that arose after the Mongols used similar methods to consolidate power

PREV: Unit 3
NEXT: Unit 6