Table of Contents

Unit 3

Saturday, 8 May 2021
1-minute read
211 words

Consolidating Power

  • Qing Dynasty consolidated power through the Civil Service Exam

    • The Qing Dynasty was set up by the Manchu people who were foreigners to China
    • To consolidate power, the leader and people would have to think the same
  • Ottomans used the Devshirme system

    • Enslaved poor Christian boys from Southern Europe and the Balkans
    • Received thorough education
    • Became bureaucratic workers or served in the military (Janissaries)
  • Ottomans used Tax Farming

    • Tax farmers were sent by the government to collect taxes for them
  • Aztecs used the Tribute System

    • Conquered lands were required to pay for the privilege of being conquered
    • Consolidated a decentralized power
    • Tribute lists
  • Mughal Empire appointed a group of bureaucrats known as Zamindars

    • Collected taxes based on land holdings


  • Ottoman Janissaries
  • Safavid Ghulam
  • Aztec Blood Tax

Legitimizing Power

  • Islamic emperors took on the title of Caliph

    • Protestant Reformation challenged the Catholic Church
    • Each state had to choose to be either Protestant or Catholic
  • European kings and rules used the Divine Right of Kings
  • Songhai population converted to Islam
  • Qing Dynasty used art
  • Monumental architecture

    • Mughal Empire's Taj Mahal
    • France's Palace of Versailles

Religious Schisms

  • Protestant Reformation challenged the Catholic Church
  • Sunni Ottomans and Shi'a Safavids often were at diplomatic conflict

PREV: Unit 1
NEXT: Unit 2